Real name: Simon
Age: 18
Nationality: Sweden
Character Name: Usebandages
Character Class and Level: lvl 80 undead
Your talent spec: 13 / 0 / 58
Your "/played" on this character: 145 days ..
Armory link: you are a hybrid class then please log out in your appropriate gear. (Please describe your gear status if not applicable):
PVE-score via Gearscore: 5633
If your application is accepted do you agree to keeping the character you applied with as your main and also stick with the spec you applied with unless otherwise advised by the officers ? ( This question must be answered to make your application valid ) Yes
Alt Characters (Name/Class/level/Server): Nuké
Raid experience (Pre-TBC & Post-TBC): started playing on this char in TBC. Tbc = full clear
Raid experience (WoTLK): full clear until icc there i got 5/12 in 10 man and 4/12 in 25
What makes you interested in joining Elysium? I recently had a break from wow, and now im back and thirsty after raids and progress and i heard form a friend of my that is in the guild that you are progressing 25 man and i really would like to progress in 25 man.
Why do you think you would be a good addition to Elysium? I am a serious and patient player, always in time for raids. To be prepered for raids is a must for me and almost 100%
Are you always raid ready with reagents for buffs and stocked up on food buffs, pots and flasks? Yes absolutly
Do you have a working microphone, and Ventrilo installed? Yes
What guilds, on Outland or your original server, were you previously in? I played most of my time in a Irl guild called " Vulgar display of power "
Why did you leave each of your previous guilds? Reason for leaving, Disband
What do you expect from us? i fun time while serious playing and alot of progress when the time is right
Does anyone else play on your account or characters? no
Do you have previous MMO experience?
What are your professions? (Prof, skill level, specialisation) Enchanting 450/450, jewelcrafting 450 / 450 without epic recipies
What time can you raid till on weekdays? (Server Time) as long as nessesery
Is your connection stable(dc often in 25 mans?), your computer good enough to raid with? never dc, some lagg from time to time but wont be any problem.
If you wish to raid with the guild are you able to attend on atleast 3 nights a week? absolutly
Do you know anyone in Elysium? Please write their name(s) and your relationship with them: Know one who reacently joined named Karmo a undead warlock, he is a good Irl friend of mine.
Is there anyone who would be willing to be your sponsor? (A sponsor is a good friend who feels that you are definately a good addition to Elysium, therefore giving you an advantage.) List name(s) please: no one except Karmo
And finally, please tell us a bit about yourself: Im a blond swedish guy which still goes to school and chilling / playing wow, drink beer and party isnt wrong on the weekends. Otherwise i play the most of the week.
Tell us a joke (nothing offensive):